Saturday, December 20, 2014

Work up at Denny Gallery's "Share This! Appropriation After Cynicism"

Adam Parker Smith (b. 1989, lives in Brooklyn) exhibited Thanks at Lu Magnus in 2013. Smith did studio visits with 77 of his fellow artists with the intention of “acquiring” work for an exhibition, but concealed the true concept of the exhibition from the artists: it would be a collection of works pilfered from them. Yet the exhibition itself returned authorship to the original makers, and Smith entered a gray area between conceptual artist and curator. The artworks - all relatively small - were displayed in an equalizing fashion on simple wooden tables laid out next to each other rather than on the walls where hierarchies and priorities of placement would have become an issue. The work ultimately creates a strong snapshot of a community of artists, even while acknowledging that they do “steal” from each other. An abbreviated version of Thanks is being restaged for Share This! Artists exhibited include: Liz Ainslie, Liz Atzberger, Joe Ballweg, Guy Ben-Ari, Andrea Bergart, Amanda Browder, Caroline Burghardt, Maureen Cavanaugh, Andy Cross, Joy Curtis, Ben Godward, Taskashi Horisaki, Roxanne Jackson, Irena Jurek, Dennia Kardon, Emily Noelle Lambert, JR Larson, Matthew Mahler, Caitlin Masley, Patrick Mohundro, Mike Olin, Jason Peters, Gary Peterson, Anna Plesset, Lauren Portada, Carolyn Salas, Kristen Shiele, Alfred Steiner, Kirk Stoller, Scott Teplin, George Terry, Stephen Truax, Aaron Williams, Brett Day Windham, Leah Wolff, and Raphael Zollinger.

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